New Classic EZ400: New eco-friendly film for black and white

Last Updated on September 6, 2022

New Classic has launched a panchromatic black and white film in 2021 that may become an interesting option.

In addition, it comes in a very nice recyclable packaging, which serves as an example for other brands to let too much plastic be used that sooner or later ends up in the trash.

Features of the New Classic EZ400

The qualities of this black and white film are, for example, having a strong grain, in addition to being an iso 400 film, it offers good contrast and you can obtain an optimal result for different light situations.

We cannot assure that this film is specifically a Fomapan 400 as such, but to navigate safely, we can say that its characteristics are very similar and that it comes to compete with this and with others of its kind.

There is no doubt that although it was the same film, the price is practically the same, with the great contribution of having a biodegradable cassette and also a good design printed on it.

Probably something that if you can miss it, or not. It is the DX coding, since this film does not incorporate it.

Development conditions

The development times for each developer on the market, such as the Kodak D76, HC-110, Xtol and Ilfosol 3. They are indicated on their website, where you can also purchase the product.

The indications also cover the range of Ilford, Fomadon, and the Adox Rodinal. Recommended temperatures are around 18-25C / 65-77F.

See also  ILFORD launches a new color film: ILFOCOLOR 400 Vintage Tone

Recyclable Packaging

Something that New Classic will play a lot with, at least in terms of marketing, is the careful design of its cases. Since they are eye-catching with a retro vibe and are also good for the environment.

Of course, paradoxically, perhaps these cassettes are something you don’t want to throw away. Since you can carry them in your backpack and keep a couple of spare reels and show them around with all the hipster vibe that characterizes you :D.

But hey, seriously speaking it is a contribution at least different and that it contributes.

New Classic EZ400 film samples

The photos shown here are taken directly from the product’s website, and it is on which we base the analysis of this post.

And as we can see, the ease of the film is evident, it highlights a grain with a lot of character and a strong contrast ideal for portraits and street photography.

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