Jorge Ferrufino
Jorge Ferrufino

Fashion photographer and street photography enthusiast, he has twelve years of experience in the field of photography and has based most of his work on analogue format.

Latest publications

New Color Silberra Film

The Silberra manufacturer who is known for a large range of black and white negatives has released their color film. Silberra launches a new color film that will be available…

Kodak Portra 800 And Colorplus 200 Now On Polyester Base

The chemical basis of Kodak’s new color films has changed for this year. And for a reason in particular. Due to the high demand for Kodak Portra 800 and Kodak…

12 Tips To Take Better Shots With A Disposable Camera

Taking pictures with disposable cameras is very entertaining because you have no idea how good or bad they can come out, but you can certainly increase those chances! 1. Avoid…

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Privacy Policy DustyGrain is committed to protecting your privacy and providing you with a safe online experience. Please read our Privacy Policy in full here. Cookies The use of cookies in…

6 Cool Polaroid Tricks That Will Make Your Shots Shine

Instant photos preserve that magic of turning our personal vision into reality, instantly. Probably if you use this type of camera, you already know what we are talking about. That’s…

Olympus Stylus Epic Review: The most trending point and shoot film camera?

We are facing one of the most popular cameras among beginners. In this Olympus Stylus Epic review, we will see why it is one of the most recommended film cameras…