The Ultimate Review Of the Kodak Disposable Camera

Last Updated on February 17, 2023


The most popular fashion Kodak disposable camera is the Kodak FunSaver, and it’s the one we’re going to focus on in this review.

kodak fun saver disposable

A camera that needs no introduction, we have known it since we are little, and probably for many it was the camera that allowed the first contact with photography. And that made it possible for some of us to dedicate all our time to this passion.

Kodak FunSaver Full Specifications

  • Camera type: Single use camera.
  • Lens type: Fixed at 30mm.
  • Lens Aperture: f/11.
  • Shutter Speed: 1/100.
  • Film format: 35mm.
  • Film Exposures: 27 shots.
  • Film Speed Range: ISO 800.
  • Optics Focus: Fixed focus.
  • Minimum Focus Distance: 1 m (4 ft).
  • Viewfinder: Open Window.
  • Camera features: Built-in Flash, Kodak Ultramax 800.
  • Dimensions: Width. 4.69 in. Weight. 4.94 oz. Depth. 1.46 in.

The specifications of this camera are quite standard in its type, however it highlights the functionality of incorporating a powerful flash and a film suitable for daylight.

Shooting Process

kodak funsaver point and shoot

In essence the camera works in 4 simple steps:

  • Advance the film with the thumb wheel to load the next frame.
  • Recharge or not the flash function according to the convenience of the moment.
  • Release the shutter button to take the shot.
  • And you repeat the process advancing the film for the next photo.

As you can see, the functions are almost point and shoot, since there are not many turns to go, you only have one speed and a single aperture.

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kodak funsaver instructions

Obviously we also have the variables of the sensitivity of the film and the built-in flash with which you can play to obtain different results.

The Kodak Disposable Camera Lens

city disposable camera
by Imina G.

The camera has a plastic lens that offers pretty decent results to tell the truth. You will probably notice that the edges in the photos are somewhat less defined than in the center, and it should also be noted that the chromatic aberration will be visible throughout the photo.

But come on, that is precisely what we are looking for when we play with this type of camera. Or are you going to tell me that you prefer a bland instagram filter to emulate this effect? :3

The FunSaver’s Shooting speed

motion disposable camera
shot by Nixy J Morales

The camera shutter speed is around 1 / 100th sec, a very moderate speed to take a shot. Like the aperture that becomes an unspecified number between f / 8 and f / 11. This combined with the 800 ISO film, provides a decent balance for most daylight situations.

Do not expect to capture scenes with a lot of movement, since this requires speeds of at least 1/500 sec, that is, two steps above what you have.

You have a good range of opportunities to take advantage of this combination. All you need is to get out there and shoot, and over time you will learn more about it and what you can achieve with a little imagination.

The Film inside The FunSaver Camera

Kodak ultramax cartridge

As we mentioned before, the film this disposable camera carries is a Kodak UltraMax with ISO 800, which is essentially what makes this camera.

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With this film, a very good exposure is guaranteed for almost any daylight situation, probably indoors you already require the use of flash, but even so, if for some reason you forget to recharge it, you will still have some results.

Of course the lens brings uniqueness to the result, but what is primarily the photo in terms of colors, contrast and tonal range, is offered by the film. A film that has been on the market for 30 years and mounted in a truly advanced camera shines with its performance.

Low Light Situations

For low light situations, the Kodak FunSaver incorporates a side flash that is powered by batteries arranged for this function, which will be activated if. Firing the flash will easily cover the 27 photos the camera offers.

Mention that the flash is recharged manually by pressing the button on the front where the symbol that indicates it is. In this way, the use of this function will be the user’s decision.

Kodak FunSaver Sample photos

Values ​​And Conclusion

Kodak FunSaver shot
by Bradley Stemke

But without a doubt it is its limitations that make it fun to use, not to mention that its usefulness has evolved over time. Today we practically have with our mobile phone the urgency of capturing an image if for some reason we do not have a camera, which touché, we do have.

Its real value is in the recreational and experimental aspects of the process, being able to achieve results on our own to a certain extent.

That is why the type of user is no longer the same, it is no longer the typical travel photo that we want to capture and with which an urgency was added from behind. Today it is rather a way of experimentation and having fun taking photos.

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That is why behind the disposable cameras a subculture of photography has been created that is growing more and more. And that we will be happy to address in this blog throughout 2021.

Buy it on Amazon.

Disposable camera sample
by Valerie White

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